Road Safety Links
- Department for Transport – Department for Transport website giving information and advice on all aspects of road safety.
- BMW safe on the street – Safe on the Street is a road safety education resource for 7 – 11 years olds, their teachers and parents. Help pupils find out how to keep safe on the street with fun activities, stories, puzzles, quizzes and competitions.
- ROSPA – Free downloadable resources, lessons and activities. They are, where appropriate, linked to curriculum areas and are tailored to different age groups. (Includes themed assemblies).
- Childrens Traffic Club – The Children’s Traffic Club focuses on the parent’s/carers of pre-school children helping them to teach their children how to keep safe when out and about.
- Safety Matters – Safety Matters online is a road safety educational site for pupils aged 7-11 years, their teachers and parents.
- Streetwise Guys – Streetwise Guys is a website aimed at 8 to 14 year olds in primary and lower secondary. In particular, it targets children in the transition period from primary to secondary, when they are most at risk.
- Go Safe With Ziggy – Early years road safety website which targets three key age groups: 0-3; pre-school and the transition into primary.
- Road Safety GB – National road safety organisation proving latest road safety news and resources.
- Brake Road Safety Week – Website dedicated to Road Safety Week which is organised each year by Brake the Road safety charity. It provides resources and information on road safety and campaigns.