A*STARS 2018 Quiz Winners!


On Wednesday, 20st June 2018, the 9th annual Active Sustainable Travel and Road Safety (A*STARS) quiz took place at Walsall Town Hall.  Year 4 and 5 pupils from 35 schools who have won earlier rounds within their schools, competed against each other in the annual quiz. 

After completing quizzes against their classmates, each school was then invited to enter their winning team to compete for the coveted A*STARS Inter-Schools trophy. The competition was fierce, with 35 schools in attendance and teachers/ parents looking on in support.

As part of the afternoon, children were also treated to workshops delivered by colleagues in Walsall Leisure including a 10 minute shake up, why drink water, sporting skills and A-Z of Sports.

After 3 rounds of questions, Short Heath Junior School emerged as victors, with Hydesville Tower School and Walsall Wood JMI School/Watling Street School in 2nd and 3rd places respectively. The Mayor of Walsall, Cllr Marco Longhi, was on hand to award the trophy to the winning team and even participated in the quiz!

Well done to everyone who participated on the day, it was a fun filled afternoon testing key road safety skills learnt throughout the past year.

The top 5 schools were

Short Heath School

Hydesville Tower School 

Walsall Wood JMI School/ Watling Street School

Reedswood E-ACT Primary Academy 

Abbey Primary