NEW Walk to School Week 2017!


As you may know  15th – 19th May 2017 is Walk to School Week and you should have all received your resources by now.

Each child has a booklet to complete.  Inside is a relatively blank map which they can annotate with features that they see on their walk to school, ie post boxes, parks, shops etc.  There is also five large footprints on a path from home to school.  Each day that the children walk, scoot or cycle all or part of their journey they can colour one of the footprints in, aiming to colour in all 5 days and complete Dazzle’s journey from home to school.

Please record participating numbers on your action plan and within the ‘evaluation box’ the numbers of children that walk / scoot / cycle all 5 days.  Once completed please remember to mark this activity as complete. 

Extra copies of the booklet can be printed from the how to guides if needed

For more information contact the team