Safer Parking Enforcement


To coincide with the start of the A*STARS programme for 2014/15 we are launching a safer parking campaign in conjunction with our Parking Enforcement Team.

With your help we aim to publicise the benefits of sustainable travel and, if the car is used for the school journey, to park safely away from the school gates. We would welcome your support by including the ‘Safer Parking’ leaflet in newsletters, emails and any other format that can target parents.

The campaign is to start on Monday 8 September and over the subsequent 2 weeks our Parking Enforcement Team will give top priority to inconsiderate parking with the presence of enforcement officers and our CCTV enforcement vehicle. The promotion will only include schools taking part in the A*STARS programme, however please be aware that staffing resources will mean that our officers cannot attend every school, every day; however we will try to get a presence around all schools as much as possible during the campaign.

We have produced a press release and understand that a reporter from the Express and Star intends to travel around in our CCTV enforcement vehicle on one of the days so hopefully we will get some positive press coverage to support the ‘Safer Parking’ message.

Safer Parking Leaflet