
A.1 If a school wants to do an initiative at another level they need to ensure that their action plan is up to date and they must complete all of the requirements for the initiative at that level and include it under the 'other activities' section of their action plan. This will be taken into consideration at their annual review ie if more initiatives have been completed than required this would work favourably when schools are considered for a move to a higher level.

A.2 Within the programme each pathway comprises 3 levels – Bronze, Silver and Gold. During the first year of membership schools will be assigned to Bronze Level. Each year in the summer term action plans are monitored, outcomes evaluated and schools may be invited to progress to a higher level based on their success criteria.

A.3 Due to financial constraints and limited resources we have had to devise a scheme that will allow us to prioritise schools according to their level of commitment to the programme. For example, schools operating at Gold Level are expected to fully engage with all activities and initiatives and in return they receive maximum support from the team. Also Gold Level schools must achieve a higher number of healthy lifestyle initiatives in their action plan than a Bronze Level school.

A.4 We see A*STARS as a journey from birth to higher education. At each stage of a child’s development there are opportunities for A*STARS interventions and education to help prepare them for adulthood with the skills, knowledge and motivation to become healthier, safer pedestrians, cyclists and drivers. The 4 pathways are linked to each educational stage of a child’s life.

A.5Firstly go onto the home page and check if your school is already registered – a list of registered schools is available via the drop down box on the right. If your school is not on this list you and you are not school staff you will need to speak to someone at your school and ask them to complete an expression of interest form via the sign up facility at the top of the page.