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What is Park and Stride


How does it work?

A Park and Stride scheme allows parents/ guardians to leave their car in a pre-arranged location and walk the remaining distance (usually 5-15mins).

Schools identify a car park, such as a supermarket, church or pub, within a short walk of the school. After obtaining permission from the land owner for parents to use the car park, it is promoted and launched as an official Park & Stride site.

Schools ask parents to register for the scheme and give them a car sticker to display on their windscreen to advise the land owner that they are an authorised user. This also enables schools to identify which children Park and Stride.

What are the benefits?

  • Improved environment around the school with less traffic, pollution and noise
  • Promotes active travel and increases exercise levels in children
  • Children can learn essential pedestrian skills
  • Parents can save time by avoiding congestion around the school
  • Provides opportunities for schools to work within the local community in setting up the scheme